Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Back Porch

I mentioned in a previous post the "old" friends. Some have contacted me with no small amount of resentment (and a giggle and a smile). I meant the term as the highest form of compliment. These are friends that have traveled through space and time with me. They are "old" the way that favorite sweatshirt or pair of jeans are "old". I have waged wars and marched countless miles with these friends. I've already mentioned "forward" versus "straight" as a way for me to find new "old" friends.
Some may know that my music collection is modest by some measures. I had the pleasure of introducing a new "old" friend to an old story from Celestial Navigations. It is called "Back Porch". If you still need to understand our motivation, this story captures it in some of the most beautiful imagery I can imagine.

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