Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mulberry Bush

In order to cover the general basics, the family is doing well. It is a tease to leave it like that, I know. Check back the next few days as I fill in the details.

When I mentioned that the house was cleaned and ready for the family's arrival, I did not mention that it took 2 days of my cleaning just to get the kitchen and 2 bathrooms decent enough to use. I was very frustrated that anyone could live in that kind of mess, much less leave it for the next tenant. I spent 8-10 hours just cleaning the cabinets, drawers and doors in the kitchen. It was like reliving the days leading up to moving into our townhouse (which is still for sale - by the way).

Ma cherè later discovered that it was an older couple that were living there. She thought it was a sad testament that there are people that might not be able to see that there is filth in the kitchen. What kind of medical issues might be avoided for the elderly if someone were to really clean their kitchens and bathrooms once a week?

Title by: Traditional English

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys so much, keep the blog going!!! Love, hydejo@sbcglobal.net (Heidi)