Friday, December 5, 2008

In My Life

This is where the trouble really begins. Recent news, election results, radical conservative pundits, etc. have rubbed me a bit raw lately. So, here we go…

I believe in the right of life. I believe life starts at conception. I believe that the willful taking of a life at ANY point after conception is not just wrong, it is a sin. HOWEVER, I do not believe in the government's right to legislate or otherwise regulate a person's right to choose. No to anti-abortion legislation, No to capital punishment.

Abortion kills, capital punishment kills. Abortion flies in the face of not just Christian morals but also existential fundamentals. If your Christian beliefs are not insulted, then your agnostic or atheistic codes should be.
Capital punishment does not work as a deterrent. An eighteen year old with a semi-automatic believes he is immortal AND invincible. (Is that the 2nd stage or 3rd stage of tequilla? umm, never mind...) That he might face death for blowing away a rival does not even cross his mind.

However, the world is ours to convince otherwise. Not through the force of legislation, but through love and understanding. Christ gave to us, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." There is not a suggestion of hiding behind a law in that verse or any other verse I am aware of for that matter....

Title by: The Beatles

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