Friday, October 24, 2008

These Days

As I mentioned before, I have been to see the doctor. I try to see the doctor once a year as a matter of safety. Besides, it comforts me that, if I were in the hospital, the 2 professionals I would want most at my bedside should know me by my first name, my pastor and my doctor. It is also time for my twice a decade date with that misguided camera known as a colonoscope.

On a Friday morning, I mosey in. Nice office staff, I write my autobiography on their forms. After a short wait, a friendly nurse takes blood pressure, temperature, weight, height, blood, urine. The door no sooner latches when in walks a very approachable and seemingly competent doctor. He pokes and prods and asks many questions, family history and personal medical history. It is a great first impression.

"We will call if there is anything irregular with the tests."

They called on Wednesday.

The message, "Please have Scott call us as soon as possible."

I called when I get home from work around 5:30.

"The doctor is not comfortable discussing this matter with you over the phone. Please come in as soon as possible."

I think we have all either personally gone through or heard first hand of these calls. If not, here is what happened before I could even stop to think straight. My stomach dropped. My normally optimistic outlook was short-circuited by my "worst case scenario" instinct. My mind raced…High-blood-pressure-blood-sugar-issues-white-blood-cell-count-cancer-my-goodness-what-type-of-cancer-what-did-they-find-out-the-life-insurance-is-paid-the-family-is-1200-miles-from-our-traditional-support-group-I-feel-fine-I-am-active-breathe-breathe-breathe.

"Ok, is there an opening tonight? … Yes? At 7? Great, we will be there at 7."

"Ma chere, clear the calendar, we are going for a car ride. T1, you are in charge."

At the appointed hour (15 minutes early), the nurse escorts us into the examining room. She takes my blood-pressure and lets us know that the doctor will be right in. And, he was.

He looked at ma chere strangely and then at me almost questioningly. He handed me a sheaf of papers and started to take my blood-pressure again. I exhaled loudly and visibly relaxed. Page 1 read, "High Cholesterol Diet – Foods to Avoid". Page 2 read, "High Cholesterol Diet – Foods to Seek".

"So, Doc, not to minimize this, but we are here just to talk about my high cholesterol?"

"Yes, you didn't already know this."

I ran through the conversation with the receptionist earlier in the evening.

He blanched, "I guess we really do not need to recheck your blood pressure. I can pretty much guess why it is off. She SHOULD have told you it was your cholesterol and asked you to make an appointment."

We talked living with high cholesterol for 15 minutes or so. It was a bit of a blur.

Ma chere and I laughed, nervously, all the way to Walgreens to fill in the prescription for Crestor.

Bad form, bad bad form. Bad form, indeed!

Title by: Tanya Donelly

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Talk about a roller coaster of emotions. Not good-sorry to hear you had to endure that.

FYI-Matt's cholesteral went from 311 to 186. His doctor said he couldn't have done that with drugs. Call this weekend if you want hints and tips.

Either way, good luck with it!