I am usually patient person with technical support representatives. It is a grueling job on the best of days. Now, they cram 100 people in 50 square feet in some rigged up call center in New Delhi. The handlers have them take phone calls, email and chat sessions simultaneously with minimal documentation, training or other resources.
Symantec has been notoriously lacking in the support department for years. It is one of the reasons I refuse to use their products on my home systems. Unfortunately, they are the preferred standard at work. Here is a transcript from a 45 minute chat session I had with a Symantec representative recently.
Chat ID: 6ea2c6bf-ba3d-405f-aefc-3d961f81ea8a
Problem : Question regarding online storage
Sazed: Hello CmentMixer. My name is Sazed.
Sazed: Welcome to Symantec Technical Support.
Sazed: Hi,how are you doing today?
CmentMixer: Hello, I am looking for details regarding the Online Storage feature included with Norton 360
CmentMixer: Well, thank you
Sazed: Okay. I will help you in this.
CmentMixer: What is the security in transport? What is the security on the server? What is the encryption on the file?
CmentMixer: If there is a URL with this information, please provide it.
Sazed: You can check it through www.symantec.com
CmentMixer: Where on the site?
Sazed: Go for Norton 360 product and then store options.
CmentMixer: let me check before you disconnect, please
Sazed: Okay.
CmentMixer: Store Options?
CmentMixer: There is no such link
CmentMixer: Hello?
Sazed: May I know the doubt you have?
CmentMixer: I have spent 45 minutes browsing the Norton site. I cannot find specifics regarding the Online Storage feature. I want you to provide the URL for that information. The information you have given to me is not detailed enough or is outright wrong.
CmentMixer: "Go for Norton 360 product and then store options" means nothing to me.
Sazed: Okay.May I known what information you need regarding the Online Storage .
CmentMixer: As I stated before...What is the security in transport? What is the security on the server? What is the encryption on the file?
CmentMixer: What are my assurances or guarantees against my file not being hijacked in transit? What are the security measures in place to guarantee transport? How are the servers secured physically and virtually?
CmentMixer: What is your retention policy? If I remove the file from your servers, how long does it actually remain in your files before it is purged from your systems?
CmentMixer: If I have multiple licenses, how do I restore a specific backup to a re-imaged machine?
CmentMixer: Hello?
Sazed: You will be having only 2GB of space over all the computers.
CmentMixer: I know that, thank you.
CmentMixer: I even know I can purchase more, thank you.
CmentMixer: Symantec is quick to sell, but I want details about what it is you are offering beyond the marketing spin on the store web-site.
Sazed: You can go to www.symantec.com and then search option you can find all these things.
CmentMixer: No, begging your pardon, I CANNOT! I have already communicated that this information is not that readily available at that URL. I need a specific URL from you to the spec page for this feature.
CmentMixer: If it is that easy, YOU do it and show me where you find it.
CmentMixer: Hello?
Sazed: Once you remove the file it will be automatically removed from our server also. (CmentMixer: This is not true; the file is deleted only after your subscription lapses.)
CmentMixer: Ok, that's a start. What about security getting it to your servers? Is this FTPS or HTTPS? Is the backup file encrypted on my system before transport? If so, what type of encryption is used?
CmentMixer: Oh, and where do I access the files from? I do not see a link from My Account.
CmentMixer: Hello?
CmentMixer: Hello?
Sazed: Sorry for that.
CmentMixer: Do you have any additional information for me?
CmentMixer: This transaction has now taken 35 minutes. If you are unable to assist, please let me know who at Symantec I should contact. In the intervening time, I have Googled my question. There is no information to be found on the Web either.
CmentMixer: Hello?
Sazed: Analyst has closed chat and left the room
Another 90 minutes spent with a different representative. That conversation went somewhat better.
Chat ID: 10438f31-0393-4b47-b842-0a9ce18ff244
Problem : Question regarding online storage
Kamal: Hello CmentMixer. My name is Kamal.
CmentMixer: Hello, Kamal.
Kamal: Thank you for contacting Symantec Support. Please give me a moment while I review the issue you have described.
CmentMixer: Then you have the transcript from the previous Rep?
CmentMixer: I will be happy to submit my bill for 1 hours time to Symantec.
CmentMixer: Though, it would appear I could expect nothing more that to be ignored, then disconnected.
Kamal: May I confirm that the issue you are encountering is that you need to know about the online storage?
CmentMixer: That is correct.
CmentMixer: Does Norton 360 uses the same process as the Symantec Online Storage for Backup through the Symantec Protection Network service? I found a .PDF that has some of the information I am looking, but it is for the Symantec Protection Network service.
Kamal: Thank you for confirming your details. Please make a note of this case no.488198647 for your future reference. This case number will include the details of today's chat.
CmentMixer: Thank you.
CmentMixer: Hello?
Kamal: I need to verify some information. Do you mind waiting while I check this information for you?
CmentMixer: Yes, but please not too much longer. This has now been 1 hour.
Kamal: Thank you.
Kamal: Thank you for your patience. I now have the required information to help you
CmentMixer: Great!
Kamal: The Norton 360 has a 5 GB online storage. It stores in the same way as the Symantec Online Storage.
CmentMixer: The 5GB is an upgrade from the 2GB offered with the application. What about security?
CmentMixer: I am not looking for more space. I am looking for information on the security of the backup and storage.
Kamal: CmentMixer, Yes of course. You will have the same Symantec Protection Network Platform.
CmentMixer: Now, really, why would I assume this as a matter of course? Is this confirmed with your manager? Please pardon my skepticism that my answer is conveniently given back to me.
Kamal: The Symantec Online storage for backup is an enterprise product. The Norton 360 is for a Home office product.
CmentMixer: I understand that. So, what is the consumer platform security?
Kamal: The Technology is one and the same for both the products.
CmentMixer: So, you will confirm that "All backups use private-key 256 AES encryption and data is transmitted using SSL. The backups are checked after transmission on both ends to verify the transport was successful and not hampered during transmission." is a correct statement and is backed by Symantec?
Kamal: The data stored will be secure.
CmentMixer: That is a very broad statement. Am I to just trust you or is there a more formal guarantee? It also does not answer my original set of questions, which is how will the data be secured?
Kamal: Yes, The data is encrypted to store.
CmentMixer: Ok, is it private-key 256 AES or another encryption process?
CmentMixer: Also, can we step up the time between responses. We are now at the 90 minute mark for this conversation.
Kamal: We are storing the data by AES. The data transmission is done through SSL.
CmentMixer: You are encrypting the data with AES?
Kamal: Data to be stored is encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption and the transmission is encrypted using 128-bit AES encryption.
CmentMixer: Ah, you must have found something. Is this paper available to the public or is it only an internal document?
Kamal: You can get the information from the Symantec Website.
CmentMixer: Where?
Kamal: CmentMixer, You can search about the online storage for the Norton 360.
CmentMixer: I must insist, again, that my searching revealed nothing from the Norton 360 site. That is why I ended up on the SPN site.
Kamal: I have all the information with me now.
CmentMixer: Ok, thank you.
Kamal: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
CmentMixer: I would still like to get more details on the storage side. In addition, how do I access the backup? What happens in the situation where I have multiple backups in storage?
CmentMixer: Can I have multiple backups in storage?
CmentMixer: What about a scenario where I am not restoring to the original machine or O/S?
CmentMixer: These are some very large gaps in the documentation.
Kamal: If you have Reinstalled your operating system you can Restore the date using the following steps
2 Click Tasks & Settings.
3 In the Tasks & Settings window, click Change Backup Settings.
4 Next to Backup Location, click Change.
5 Click Secure Online Storage.
6 If prompted, type the email address and the password used to create Norton Account.
7 In the Tasks & Settings window, click Restore.
8 Under Restore From, click Secure Online Storage.
If you are not able to find Secure Online Storage, click Change next to "Restore From."
9 In the Restore Now window, click Secure Online Storage.
10 Under "Select PC Nickname," select the name of computer that you have used to back up the files before uninstalling Norton 360, and then click OK.
11 If prompted, type the email address and the password used to create your Norton Account, and then click Next.
12 In the Restore Now window, click Restore Now.
13 Click OK, once the restore is completed.
CmentMixer: Good, thank you.
CmentMixer: However, this means I cannot remove a backup from your servers. Is that correct?
CmentMixer: Except, of course, if I let my subscription lapse.
Kamal: Yes, Once create a backup it will be there for you to access at any time.
CmentMixer: Ok, I'm done for now. I still have outstanding questions, but I have no more time.
CmentMixer: Thank you for your assistance.
Kamal: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
CmentMixer: No
Kamal: Before I close this case can I please confirm with you that this issue has been resolved to your satisfaction?
CmentMixer: It has not been resolved to my satisfaction; however, I do not have any more time today to devote to it.
CmentMixer: It took 2 hours to get 2 sentences. I cannot spend more time on this.
Kamal: I apologize for the inconvenience.
CmentMixer: Thank you.
Kamal: CmentMixer, Now that we have successfully resolved this issue to your satisfaction, Can you please confirm, if your system is responding as required. To further optimize your system's performance we offer our valued customers a free system optimizer tool which you can download and run by clicking on this link http://www.norton.com/pc_checkup
The tool will detect and fix problems which affect your computer's performance and security.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kamal: I would like to encourage you to provide feedback for this chat, as this helps in our ongoing efforts to improve the service we deliver. You can contact my manager at Symantecmanagers at symantec.suth.com.
Thank you for contacting Symantec, have a pleasant day.
CmentMixer: And to you as well.
Kamal: Analyst has closed chat and left the room
Title by: EMF