Monday, September 29, 2008


You have to love lyricists. They really can come up with the darnedest themes.

Well, T2 is now home, safe and relatively sound. He has some nice road rash on his face and upper body. He has a golf ball size lump over his left eye. And, he broke his collar bone.

Not bad for a guy celebrating his 11th birthday tomorrow. What until he figures out his soccer season is over...boy, won't that be a grand time...

Title by: Fujiya & Miyagi


Here is an interesting dilemma for road warriors. If you have traveled for business and have kids, you will understand that persistent worry that nags at you the whole time you are away.

"What do I do if Ma Chere or one of the Ts gets hurt while I am away? What is my escape plan? What will it take for me to get home NOW?"

That worry is being tested even as I type. T2 took a digger on his scooter around 4:45 PM. He was not wearing his helmet. Ma chere explained that he has road rash on his head and side. It also looks like his shoulder "is not quite where it belongs" is what I think she said. Dislocated? Collar bone? DANG!!!

I am, of course, in Manhattan today and tomorrow. I usually stay overnight in the staff room to avoid 2 days of crazy traffic. Ma chere assures me she has it under control.


Title by: Johnny Cash

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pride and Joy

It has been a busy few weeks. Sorry for the lapse. Ma chere and the Ts are all safely back on Long Island. I flew out to Milwaukee a few Fridays ago; spent the night out with family; golfed 18 at Greenfield (119 - not bad for no golf for a year and using my sister-in-law's clubs); had a late lunch; napped and left Milwaukee for New York at 6:00 PM on Saturday. We pulled into our driveway at 11:30 AM Sunday. We stayed close to home on Sunday and Monday to recuperate from the drive.

The Ts started school just after Labor Day. T2 & T3 are in new schools from last year. T2 "graduated" to the 5th & 6th grade middle school. We moved T3 into the school affiliated with our church in Aquebogue. He needed to get back to what he was used to at Atonement.

All in all, it was good to get everyone home again.

Title by: Stevie Ray Vaughan