Friday, November 9, 2007


It's pouring rain and 40 degrees. I heard somewhere that, "God is in the rain." I'm not sure what that means, but it is a reassuring thought.

It reminds me of a story. A Buddhist monk was challenged by a journalist to give an example of where to find the Buddha. The monk offered in response a challenge. He asked the journalist instead show the monk where not to find the Buddha. "The Buddha is in the rain."

It is my birthday and I am drinking, alone. It is every bit not as fun as advertised. No pity party for me, though. I did have a rather fun mobile text birthday party with 4 people. Thank you Mr B, Ms S, Ms L and ma cherè. It was brief, but very enjoyable. It sounds like all the girls took the challenge to the fullest and partied well into the night.
Title by The Beatles

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