Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hammer and a Nail

It is back to Chaos Wednesdays this week. There are eight different
crews doing everything from carpentry and painting to masonry and

I only seem to have to remember my New Testament names to call any of
these guys, Peter, Paul, James, 2 no 3 Joes. Heck, there is even a
Chris for good measure.

Title by: The Indigo Girls
Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Mr Fielding said...

My dear CmentMixer,

I was just going to pop in to inform you that I have re-started this blogging business. You have always left such kind comments in the past.

I didn't, however, wish to comment on your latest post on your blog because of how personal the nature of it is.

I do hope all is well in your world,